Monday, May 02, 2016


Hey! Remember that time I made up an app and called it Recs and entered it into a contest and it got second place (that is to say, it lost and was never heard of again)? You can read all about it here if you've forgotten.

Anyway, this morning I saw on Twitter that Jimmy Fallon was raving about this new app called Rex, which is exactly the same as my app in every possible way. Like, I had drawn up prospective screen shots for that app for the contest, and this app has all of the same features in all of the same places and the exact same overall concept and design. I'm not exaggerating; it was eerie. It was like that moment in It Takes Two (you know? The one with the Olsen twins?) when they see each other for the first time and they're so shocked to find out they have a look-alike. It was exactly like that, except I think somebody faints in that scene, and I didn't. I just gasped and yelled, "Jimmy Fallon! No! Mine!" I even pointed at myself as though he could see me. That was kind of silly. I should've just fainted.


It's so close that a couple of my friends have already texted this morning to say that they think I was unlawfully relieved of my intellectual property. I, however, am of the belief that everyone on the internet is good and trustworthy, and that no one steals anything from anybody. Hahaha.

But seriously, I do believe that there are a lot of people on the internet and sometimes two of them might have the exact same idea with the exact same name, layout, and design. It does happen. Somewhere out there is a guy with the same exact brain as me - isn't that terrifying?

In any case, I'm just glad this app exists now - that was the point in the beginning anyway. I wanted an app like this to exist and I couldn't find one like it, and I couldn't get anyone to build it for me, and now, here it is. And it's exactly what I wanted it to be, down to the name and design (though, I do like Recs better than Rex, if I'm being honest). This is a stroke of luck, I think.

ANYWAY. You should download Rex and find me on there (suzykrause). It's free. We can recommend stuff to each other. It's everything I ever wanted. Plus I didn't have to fund it. 


Nova said...

Um that sucks Suzy and I am outraged on your behalf. I REALLY hope it's just a freaky coincidence but ... yeah that's quite a coincidence. You'd think they'd at least change the name if they're going to steal your shit.

Holly Knitlightly said...

Whaaaaaaat?! That's nuts Suzy! Gah. I hope you somehow get credit for it, yo!

Suzy Krause said...

Hahahaha that name thing was what made me second guess it a little... But. I fully acknowledge that these guys are probably just on my wavelength and they got there first so... It was a good idea though, right? I mean, if nothing else this is hugely affirming. I had a GREAT idea. Jimmy Fallon thinks so.

So you should get it and add me. @suzykrause

Suzy Krause said...

That would be so sweet. Can you imagine if I just got this email that was like, "Hey, Suzy, we stole your idea, made 3.5 billion dollars, and are feeling a little bad about it. So here's a million and we're going to rename the app "SUZY'S RECS" and also Jimmy Fallon wants to meet you."

That would be ideal.

Mich said...

Wow. You're very forgiving but that makes me mad if someone could host a contest for app ideas and then just use those app ideas. Did you ever find out if the winner got their app made? That just seems so crazy.... I remember thinking you were a genius and it was totally going to happen. But I guess with having all the information out there for the sake of the contest, anyone really could have seen that and been like ok mine now. Still that's pretty shady...

Suzy Krause said...

Huh. The one that won never did get made (I went and searched for it). In fact, the whole website is NO MORE. Da, da, DAAAAA.

The plot thickens.

Either way, we can all pretend it's mine. Let's pretend it is. I'd rather be pretend rich than real rich anyway.

Jannaya said...

This is so strange! I also like "Recs" better than "Rex." And I feel like you would have made a better app logo. It's such a great concept, though, so I'm glad it's out there in some form finally! Now if they could just create an Android version...

Suzy Krause said...

YES, I want them to make an Android version too. I really want you to be on there.